If your forehead is showing signs of aging with wrinkles and/or sagging eyebrows, you might benefit from a brow lift (sometimes called a forehead lift). This surgical procedure can smooth the skin of the forehead and lift eyebrows that have dropped from gravity. It can even restore a natural arch to eyebrows that have flattened due to aging.
Dr. Ledding has years of experience performing brow lifts for his patients. No two patients are the same, however, so he will spend time with you during your initial consultation and examination to discuss your options and his recommended surgical plan for you.
Who is a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?
A brow lift is for people who have lines and wrinkles on the forehead or have lost the youthful placement of their eyebrows as a result of gravity. The brows might become straighter over time, losing their natural arch. This arch can be restored during a brow lift, if necessary.
If your upper eyelids have drooped a small amount, a brow lift can sometimes correct it. If you have substantial eyelid “hooding,” you might require eyelid surgery, which can sometimes be performed simultaneously with a brow lift. Dr. Ledding will advise you during your consultation if a brow lift can correct the overhanging eyelids as much as you would like, or if another procedure is necessary for your desired results.
Is a Brow Lift an Outpatient Procedure?
A brow lift is usually performed as an outpatient procedure with the patient under a local anesthetic and sedation. In some cases, general anesthesia may be necessary. You can go home the same day, provided someone is available to drive you.
What Incisions Are Used For a Brow Lift?
There are different techniques used for a brow lift, depending upon your case. In a traditional brow lift, Dr. Ledding will make an incision from ear to ear across the top of the head, hidden by the hairline.
More often than not, the technique used is endoscopic, which is slightly less invasive. In this case, small incisions are made just behind the hairline above the forehead – usually three to five.
What Happens During the Brow Lift Procedure?
After the incisions are made, Dr. Ledding removes any excess skin to tighten the area. In some cases, muscles must be tightened as well in order to smooth and tighten the area properly. Brow reshaping will be done as well, if necessary, per your instructions.
In an endoscopic brow lift, a camera is inserted into the incisions so that Dr. Ledding can see how to tighten the skin and muscles.
The incisions are closed using sutures or staples.
What Happens Immediately After a Brow Lift?
After some time spent in the recovery room following your surgery, your incisions will be dressed with bandages. Then, you may go home with instructions for after-care and an appointment set for a couple of days later for your first follow-up exam.
When Can I Return to Work After a Brow Lift?
Most people take seven to ten days off from work and resume exercise or sports activities in three to four weeks. If your occupation is physically demanding, you may need three to four weeks off work as well.
What Post-Operative Symptoms Can I Expect After a Brow Lift?
Your recovery will include some bruising, numbness, a feeling of tightness, and pain for a couple of weeks. You can take prescription or non-prescription medications to ease you through this period.
Swelling takes a bit longer to resolve, gradually improving over a period of weeks. If you sleep sitting up for a few nights, you will probably feel more comfortable and might even reduce the initial swelling.
The sutures or staples will be removed in one to two weeks. If your hair thins slightly at the hairline, do not be alarmed. It will grow back.
Are There Scars After a Brow Lift?
There are scars after a brow lift, but they are hidden under your hair. We will provide strategies for healing the scars as quickly as possible, and they will fade and become less prominent in the months following your surgery.
Contact our office for a consultation to discuss a brow lift with Dr. Ledding.