Gynecomastia is a condition in which enlarged breast tissue develops in boys and men. Gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction is a method to restore a masculine appearance to the chest.
Dr. Ledding has performed numerous successful gynecomastia surgeries on male patients. Every patient is unique, however, so he will spend time with you during your initial consultation and examination to discuss your options and his recommended surgical plan for you.
Who is a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?
If you have what looks like the formation of breasts, you might be a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery. Patients for the procedure should be near their ideal weight, however. Weight loss can sometimes resolve the condition without the need for surgery.
Dr. Ledding also recommends screening through an endocrine specialist to rule out non-surgical causes for breast enlargement.
Is Male Breast Reduction an Outpatient Procedure?
Gynecomastia surgery is usually performed with the patient under general anesthesia, but it is still an outpatient procedure.
What Incisions Are Used For Gynecomastia Surgery?
The incisions depend on the individual patient. If there is not a great deal of excess skin, the incisions can be made around the areolas (the darker skin around the nipples). In this location, the scars are well-hidden once they have healed. If additional excess skin is present, more incisions may be necessary.
What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery?
During the surgery, Dr. Ledding removes excess skin and glandular tissue, as necessary, to provide a flatter chest. If excess fat is also present, he may use liposuction as well.
The incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures.
What Happens Immediately After Gynecomastia Surgery?
After some time spent in the recovery room following your surgery, you will be allowed to go home. You will need someone to drive you, however.
You will be given a compression garment to wear for six weeks after your surgery, as well as instructions for caring for your incisions.
When Can I Return to Work After Gynecomastia Surgery?
Most patients take a week off from work and resume exercise or sports activities in six weeks. If your occupation is physically demanding, you may need six weeks off work as well.
What Post-Operative Symptoms Can I Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery?
Your recovery will include some bruising, a feeling of tightness, and pain for a couple of weeks. You can take prescription or non-prescription medications to ease you through this period.
Swelling takes a bit longer to resolve, gradually improving over a period of weeks. If you sleep sitting up for a few nights, you will probably feel more comfortable and might even reduce the initial swelling. You should avoid sleeping on your sides for a period of six weeks.
You will see Dr. Ledding for follow-up examinations.
Are There Scars After Gynecomastia Surgery?
There are scars after surgery for gynecomastia, but they are quite discreet around the areolas. All scars will fade and become smoother during the months following your surgery. We can also provide products that will aid in their healing.
Contact our office for a consultation to discuss how gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Ledding can help you feel more confident about your appearance.