Ear Surgery

Do you or your child have prominent ears that protrude or are misshapen? Otoplasty – ear surgery – can correct most abnormalities so that the ears look more normal. For both adults and children, it can mean the end of teasing.

Ear surgery can also repair stretched or torn earlobes, as well as injuries from piercings.

Dr. Ledding has years of experience performing all types of ear surgeries for his patients from easy to complex cases. Every patient is unique, so he will spend time with you during your initial consultation and examination to discuss your options and his recommended surgical plan for you.

Who is a Good Candidate for Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery is for adults, as well as for children over the age of five whose ears have reached their full size. It can correct ears that stick out, misshapen ears, overly large ears, mismatching ears, piercing injuries, stretched or sagging earlobes, and torn earlobes.

Is Otoplasty an Outpatient Procedure?

Otoplasty is an outpatient procedure. In adults, it can often be performed using a local anesthetic. For children, general anesthesia is recommended. The patient can go home the same day, but someone else must do the driving.

What Incisions Are Used For Ear Surgery?

Incision placement varies depending on what is required. Incisions can often be made behind the ears or within the ear’s folds so that they remain hidden.

What Happens During Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery is highly individual depending upon the patient. Torn piercings in the earlobe are often simply excised and closed, while reshaping may involve removing tissue or grafting cartilage from one area to another.

For those with protruding ears, incisions are made on the backs of the ears, and permanent sutures are used to reshape the folds of the ears.

What Happens Immediately After Ear Surgery?

After some time spent in the recovery room following your surgery, your ears will be bandaged. We will make post-op examination appointments and provide detailed instructions about how to take care of your ears at home.

When Can I Return to Work After Otoplasty?

Most people take one week off from work or school and resume exercise or sports activities in about six to eight weeks. If your occupation is physically demanding, you may need six to eight weeks off work as well. Children must refrain from participating in recess activities during recovery.

Children usually wear a bulky dressing for a week, and then a headband at night (only) for six to eight weeks.

What Post-Operative Symptoms Can I Expect After Ear Surgery?

Your recovery will include some bruising and mild pain for a couple of weeks. You can take prescription or non-prescription medications to ease you through this period.

Swelling takes a bit longer to resolve, gradually improving over a period of months. If you sleep sitting up for a few nights, you will probably feel more comfortable and might even reduce the initial swelling. You will need to sleep on your back for two to three weeks until your ears heal.

Are There Scars After Ear Surgery?

Dr. Ledding will do his best to keep scarring to a minimum. Since the incisions are often hidden behind the ears or within the folds of the ear, visible scars can sometimes be avoided entirely. Keep in mind, however, that each person has a different predisposition towards good or bad scarring that is not fully under our control.

Contact our office for a consultation to discuss ear surgery for you or your child with Dr. Ledding, and enjoy more normal-looking ears.